Friday, August 06, 2004

Keith Vaz and Manhunt

The whole country has been involved in the controversy over the 'Manhunt' murder of a Leicestershire boy.

The good old Leicester Mercury has been full of the sort of well-balanced, informed, calm and non-reactionary commentary that we are so used to.

Mr Keith been receiving letters about the violence in video games.

He is also getting involved in pre-emptively banning Doom 3.

The Scotsman carries the fullest statement from Mr Vaz... Mr Vaz told PA News: “I have written to the Home Secretary asking him to look at the link between videos and crime as a matter of urgency.

“I have asked for additional research to be funded in part by the manufacturers themselves in order to see whether or not there is a link between these video games and crimes of violence.

“As regards this particular video game I am calling on other retailers to take the same action as Dixons has done.

“They have cleared this game from the shelves and I think it would be appropriate for others to do the same.

“The family have intimated they are going to sue Sony today so I am calling on the Government to give the family any help they need in their lawsuit.

“These transatlantic legal issues are very difficult. The aid of the British Government is going to be of immense help to them.

“I think this is a very important test case and therefore the Government should give any help they can.”

Any comments would be welcomed.


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