Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Keith Vaz Publicity

A quick post, Vaz fans to bring your attention to some newly uploaded Vaz publicity, which can be found in the Vote Leicester Archives. It's the 'Belgrave and Rushey Mead News', an infrequent at best publication because I've surely never seen one before. I suspect it may just be a ruse to sneak Keith vaz into our homes, as this copy was received by post in Evington.

We lead with 'Labour landslide buries other parties', referring of course to the Belgrave byelection where Amrit Kavia, brother of the deceased Belgrave councillor Ramnik Kavia did indeed get himself a landslide with 65% of the vote and a 1400 majority.

Next up, 'Abbey school action plan' which is the old old news about Abbey's problems with Gujarati lessons provision.

On the flip side 'Video game campaign reaches the Prime Minister' with a photo of Vaz, Tony Blair and Mrs Pakeerah with some uncredited man, who I would hate to think was Mr Pakeerah. More on this later, to be sure.

'Eastenders star switches on Merlyn tree lights' from Christmas and the memorial tree for Merlyn (Vaz, it fails to mention), well respected local councillor who died in 2003. Her grandchildren (aka our Keith's children) make a slightly uncomfortable looking appearance.

Next up a picture of Vazzy rubbing shoulders with celebs and... well, Jack Straw. Vaz was at an obscure 'Conference in Blackburn' which was also attended by Straw, Kriss Akabusi, Chris Bisson and Shobna Gulati. We're not told what the conference was for or how it benefited us so I can only assume it is simply there to show off. Speaking of Blackburn, check out Craig Murray who is running against Jack Straw there.

If you have been sent anything you would gain much thanks from then sending it to me. You can email voteleic(at) or leave a comment. Thanking you.

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